Synesthesia creates a connection between two feelings. Sound and color, shape and taste, and so on. Mirror-touch is usually associated with someone else’s pain. we feel the pain of the people we see. Most of us feel touch and emotion. I rarely feel someone’s pain. For me, the greatest impression of people is their personal qualities.

But each type of synesthesia manifests itself in different ways. It depends on other features of the person. I understood this from the descriptions of the experience of people with different options for synesthesia.
At first I get physical sensations, then I understand, «expanding» it. Everything happens instantly and is not connected with my will or desire to feel something.
I found out about my peculiarity after 40 years. I read an article about mirror-touch. I used to think that everyone perceives the world as well. I always knew that I feel more shades of tastes, smells, tactile sensations. Therefore, I thought that everyone had it, but to varying degrees.
I will try to describe my feelings. Not all of this applies to synesthesia. It is difficult to share hypersensitivity, mirror-touch and different habits, experience.

Scientists and doctors study only the most common types of synesthesia. Such information can be used in training or treatment. I will never understand how many people have physical sensations from someone else’s personality.
I would really like to compare myself with a «normal» person, discuss this. But I will not have such an opportunity. Therefore, I decided to describe part of my experience.
Tesla and frequency
«If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.»
– Nikola Tesla.
This unusual phenomenon is called Resonant Frequency. Every molecule and atom in this universe is vibrating at a particular frequency. Resonant frequency would be considered the specific frequency of that particular object or atom.
This is similar to what I feel. All the personal qualities of a person are mixed together and create a personal frequency. These are intelligence, moral properties, thoughts, emotions, attitude to the world and people.

When I see a person or I hear a voice, I feel something on the skin, and then in each cell of the body. More often at first it is my face and hands. All my life I did not try to understand what my feelings are similar to. I thought it was absolutely normal for kinesthetics.
I can talk about tingling, sharp needles, sensation of human skin. But the most similar description is poison. The substance enters my skin and gradually destroys me. More often I do not notice pleasant sensations. After all, next to a good person I can remain myself. And I do not have to think about the escape to the other side of the street.

Usually I’m talking about bad and good people, so as not to waste time. In fact, there is only a small number of very bad or very good people. Unpleasant sensations arise not only from villains. It’s hard to feel stupidity, selfishness, primitive thoughts, rudeness, envy. Another person can be too slow if he does everything in a slow rhythm.

For me, look at something equivalent to touch. I think all the kinesthetics feel it.
I believe that it is convenient to feel and understand the personal qualities of people. But this can cause problems when I have no right to choose my relatives or colleagues.